• E-liquid Angolo Della Guancia - SupRemo longfill 60ml (Tabac Latakia, Black Cavendish, Noix) CHF 25.00 TVA inc.

    Discover this incredible tobacco from Angolo Della Guancia!
    A cold-filtered masterpiece combining the power of Latakia and the sweetness of Black Cavendish, all fermented with walnut kernels!
    (99.9% natural flavor)
    Just open the bottle, add your boosters and shake for a few minutes before use.
    We recommend a maturation period of 3-4 days after mixing with nicotine boosters for the best flavor.
    SupRemo - PG 50 / VG 50
    Latakia Tobacco, Black Cavendish, Walnut
    Manufacture: Italy

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  • E-liquid Angolo Della Guancia - H2O Pueblo longfill 60ml (Blond tobacco) CHF 25.00 TVA inc.

    Discover this incredible tobacco from Angolo Della Guancia!
    In this blend you'll find all the flavors of a light blond tobacco.
    Once again, Angolo Della Guancia uses only natural ingredients in all its flavors, with no additives!
    (99.9% natural flavor)
    Just open the bottle, add your boosters and shake for a few minutes before use.
    For these longfills, we recommend a maturation period of 3-4 days after mixing with nicotine boosters, to get the best flavor results.
    H2O Pubelo - PG 50 / VG 50
    Pueblo Tobacco
    Manufacture : Italy

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